Delicious, nutritious and affordable. Delivered to your door. Only $8. For January menu click on Services For, Independent Aging, Meals on Wheels
Call for details (519) 736-5471.
Door to door service. Not just for medical appointments!
Our January Cooking Classes with Chef David were an overwhelming success. If you were unable to attend, please follow along with Chef David’s videos and start cooking!
We are excited to welcome everyone back for our new programs. Please review our policies and procedures and if you have any questions please feel free to call our office (519) 736-5471 ACS Welcome Back Final
Income Tax Clinic for lower income people ($35,000 p.p. or $45,000 for two people) Simple Returns Only! Drop off only. Please visit our facebook page for Income Tax Printable Forms or for further details, please visit our Income Tax Clinic Page.
With guidance from the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit one of our top priorities is to protect the people we support, our staff and volunteers. We urge everyone to wear a mask, social distance, wash hand repeatedly and stay home whenever possible.