What is Meals for New Parents?
Meals for New Parents provides healthy meals to new parents. Many parents face recovery periods or other circumstances that prevent them from consistently eating healthy meals. When you sign up, our friendly volunteers deliver our fresh cooked meals straight to your door so you can focus on your newborn without sacrificing your own health.
Benefits of Meals for New Parents
- Save time by not having to cook your own meals while caring for your newborn
- Know you’re eating healthy, nuticious meals every day
- Peace of mind for loved ones that you are being as well taken care of as your child
- Frozen meals available for weekends, holidays, or extra meals
Each Meal From ACS Includes:
- One Main Entree (usually a protein)
- One Side Serving
- Hot Soup
- Bread
- Homemade, healthy dessert
Meals are delivered to your door at the noon hour except holidays. You can choose which days of the week you would like to receive meals. If you need a meal on Saturday, Sunday or any holiday, we will deliver frozen meals on the weekday prior to the requested day.
When you register for this service, our coordinator will note all dietary restrictions to ensure every meal is safe and enjoyable.
We deliver to residents of Amherstburg, Harrow, LaSalle, and McGregor. Each meal only $7.50 and can be paid for by either cash or cheque monthly.